PubPy has a number of methods for creating GeoPDFs, plus a few supporting objects. Here we will explain each, describe their many options, and provide samples of their usage. The section includes a summary of the available methods and objects and provides details about additional PubPy resources.
In this section:
Available Methods and Objects
exportToGeoPDF(geopdf_path, page_range_type, page_range_string, multiple_files, show_selection_symbology, export_config)
ExportMXDToGeoPDF(mxd_path, geopdf_path)
ExportToGeoPDF(map_document, out_geopdf, {data_frame}, {df_export_width}, {df_export_height}, {resolution}, {image_quality}, {colorspace}, {compress_vectors}, {image_compression}, {picture_symbol}, {convert_markers}, {embed_fonts}, {layers_attributes}, {georef_info}, {jpeg_compression_quality})
ExportToGeoPDFWithConfig(map_document, geopdf_path, config)
attach(mxd_path, {source_scheme})
saveAs(mxd_path, {version})
Export GeoPDF Methods
Export a pre-configured MXD to GeoPDF file format. The export configuration is stored in the MXD.
ExportMXDToGeoPDF(mxd_path, geopdf_path)
Name |
Type |
Description |
String |
A string that represents the path and filename of the MXD to export. |
String |
A string that represents the path and filename of the GeoPDF to create. |
Exports the page layout or data frame of a map document ( .mxd ) to the Portable Document Format (PDF). This function is, so far as possible, a substitute for arcpy.mapping.ExportToPDF(). Not all ExportToPDF() options are supported.
ExportToGeoPDF(map_document, out_geopdf, {data_frame}, {df_export_width}, {df_export_height}, {resolution}, {image_quality}, {colorspace}, {compress_vectors}, {image_compression}, {picture_symbol}, {convert_markers}, {embed_fonts}, {layers_attributes}, {georef_info}, {jpeg_compression_quality})
Name |
Type |
Description |
MapDocument |
A variable that references a MapDocument object. |
String |
A string that represents the path and file name for the output export file. |
Object |
A variable that references a DataFrame object. Use the string/constant |
Integer |
Ignored by ExportToGeoPDF(). The PDF page width is determined by the map document page width or calculated from the data frame scale and extent. |
Integer |
Ignored by ExportToGeoPDF(). The PDF page height is determined by the map document page height or calculated from the data frame scale and extent. |
Integer |
A number that defines the resolution of the export file in dots per inch (DPI). |
String |
A string that defines output image quality, the draw resolution of map layers that draw as rasters.
String |
A string that defines the colorspace of the export file. Valid values are
Boolean |
A Boolean that controls compression of vector and text portions of the output file. Image compression is defined separately. |
String |
Ignored by ExportToGeoPDF. Image compression algorithms are chosen automatically on an image-by-image basis based on the image type, similar to ESRI's ADAPTIVE mode. |
String |
A string that defines whether picture markers and picture fills will be converted to vector or rasterized on output.
Boolean |
A Boolean that controls the coversion of character-based marker symbols to polygons. This allows the symbols to appear correctly if the symbol font is not available or cannot be embedded. However, setting this parameter to |
Boolean |
A Boolean that controls the embedding of fonts in the export file. Font embedding allows text and character markers to be displayed correctly when the document is viewed on a computer that does not have the necessary fonts installed. |
String |
Ignored by ExporToGeoPDF(). Unlike ESRI PDF export, TerraGo GeoPDF layer and attribute export is not global. Individual layers are selected for attribute export and arbitrary layer schemes are supported. |
Boolean |
Ignored by ExportToGeoPDF(). TerraGo GeoPDF exports are always georegistered, with options for different mapframe styles. |
Integer |
A number that controls compression quality value when |
Exports a MapDocument to GeoPDF, reading export configuration from an ExportGeoPDFConfig object.
ExportToGeoPDFWithConfig(map_document, geopdf_path, config)
Name |
Type |
Description |
MapDocument |
The MapDocument to export. |
String |
A string that represents the path and filename of the GeoPDF to create. |
ExportGeoPDFConfig |
An ExportGeoPDFConfig object specifying the GeoPDF export options. |
Data Driven Pages
Class DDP
DDP is a class to configure and generate data driven pages. You can use it just like the ArcPy class arcpy.mapping.MapDocument.dataDrivenPages. To create an instance of DDP you must pass a path to valid map document (.mxd).
class DDP(mxd_path)
Instance variables:
Name |
Type |
String |
Integer |
String |
String |
List of Numbers |
String |
Exports a specified set of pages to a multipage GeoPDF document for a map document (.mxd) that has Data Driven Pages enabled.
DDP.exportToGeoPDF(geopdf_path, page_range_type, page_range_string, multiple_files,show_selection_symbology, export_config)
Name |
Type |
Description |
String |
The path and file name for the output GeoPDF file. |
String |
Designates how the pages will be printed, similar to the Pages tab within the ArcMap Export Map dialog box for PDF documents. Supported values:
String |
The pages to be printed if the |
String |
An option to control how the output PDF is created. By default, all pages are exported into a single, multipage document. You can also specify that individual, single-page PDF documents be exported using two different options. Supported values:
Boolean |
Controls whether the selection symbology should be displayed in the output. |
ExportGEoPDFConfig |
An ExportGeoPDFConfig object specifying the GeoPDF export options. |
A passthrough method to arcpy.mapping.MapDocument.dataDrivenPages.getPageIDFromName()
Name |
Type |
Description |
String |
A value in the index layer that corresponds to the Name field that was used to set up Data Driven Pages. |
A passthrough method to arcpy.mapping.MapDocument.dataDrivenPages.getPageIDFromName()
Sets the current page from its ID.
Name |
Type |
Description |
Integer |
ID of the page to make current. |
Advanced Export Configuration
class ExportGeoPDFConfig()
Stores export configuration information for GeoPDF export as instance variables. Instance variables listed below. Many correspond to ExportToPDF() and ExportToGeoPDF() options. These override any options persisted to the document. If an option is set to None here, the option will be read from the document if present. If not persisted in the document, then the preferences file will be read. If there is no preference, the exporter default will be used.
class ExportGeoPDFConfig()
Instance variables:
Name |
Type |
Description |
String |
The view to export. Default: |
Integer |
Export resolution to use for raster data. 1-32000. Default: 300. |
String |
Resampling of raster data. Default: |
Integer |
JPEG image compression quality. 1-100 supported. Default: 80. |
Boolean |
Possibly generate image pyramids in the PDF. Subject to product preferences file settings. Default: |
Integer |
Export resolution to use for vector data. 1-6400. Default: 6400. |
String |
PDF Default: |
Boolean |
Compress vector data? Default: |
Boolean |
Export markers as fonts or convert to polygons? Default: |
Boolean |
Embed fonts in the PDF? Default: |
Boolean |
Options for picutre symbols. Default: |
Boolean |
Compress objects in the PDF. Older versions of Reader do not support these PDFs. Default: |
String |
Style of mapframes to generate. Default: |
String |
Format to use for attribute export. Default: |
List |
Layers to receive attributes. A list of layer specifications as tuples. The tuples are of the Default: |
String |
Disposition of hyperlinked documents. Default: |
List |
Layers to receive hyperlinks. The list is the same format as for Default: |
String |
PDF layering to perform. Default: |
Boolean |
Separate PDF layers for labels and features. Default: |
Boolean |
Generate PDF viewer state-controlled layers for ArcGIS visible scale range-controlled layers. Default: |
List |
Filter layers from the PDF layers. A list, composed of the value below, representing a bitmask. Default:
class GeoPDFLayerSchemeHelper()
Supports editing a MapDocument's custom GeoPDF layer scheme. GeoPDF layer schemes are a representation of a PDF's Layers pane, which is a tree structure composed of menu, group and layer nodes. Menu nodes are items that can be expanded and collapsed but do not control the visibility of their contents. Group nodes are similar but control the visibility of their contents. Layer nodes only control visibility. Menu nodes can contain menu, group and layer child nodes. Group nodes can contain group and layer child nodes. All node types have names. Only layer nodes contain references to MapDocument content.
Returns the MapDocument's custom layer scheme as a list of dicts. Each dict is a node at the root of the custom layer scheme. Each dict minimally contains the keys 'type' and 'name'. The 'type' value is one of 'MENU', 'GROUP or 'LAYER'. The remaining keys of the dict differ by type. Menu and group nodes have a 'children' key. The value of this key is a list of dicts in the same format as the root of the custom layer scheme. Group and layer nodes have a 'visible' key. The value of this key is a boolean. Layer nodes have a 'content' key. The value is a list of dicts, each dict describing a content item. Content item dicts have 'type' and 'tag' keys. The type value is either 'SIMPLE' or 'ANNOGROUP'. The tag value is a delimited text string that is unique to each component of the MapDocument.
The MapDocument's PageLayout represent the document page. The PageLayout's content is a tree structure composed of elements. Most elements are simple, but one type is complex the MapFrame element. One of the subelements of a MapFrame element is a Map. The Map contains layers, which themselves form a tree. Tags represent paths in the PageLayout element tree. The paths are constructed of labels delimited by ':' characters. Because many elements in this tree are often unnamed and duplicate names are possible, labels are generated based component type and position. The elements at the root level are labeled 'elem_0', 'elem_1', and so on. If an element is a group element, its children are labeled 'elem_0', 'elem_1', and so on. Layers in a map follow a similar pattern, 'layer_n'. A full specification is not presented. Dumping the default layer scheme is a viable way of learning the system.
Attach this class instance to a MapDocument and optionally load its custom or default layer scheme into the instance layer scheme.
GeoPDFLayerSchemeHelper.attach(mxd_path, {source_scheme})
Name |
Type |
Description |
String |
The path of the MXD to attach to. |
String |
Optional. It may be empty. The default layer scheme is calculated from the MapDocument. |
Save the layer scheme to the MXD. This action replaces the document's custom layer scheme with the current layer scheme.
Save the layer scheme to a different MXD, optionally specifying the ArcGIS version. The saved document's custom layer scheme will be the current layer scheme.
GeoPDFLayerSchemeHelper.saveAs(mxd_path, {version})
Name |
Type |
Description |
String |
Path to the MXD. |
More Resources
There are currently two sample scripts/tools on our GitHub site:
A command-line utility that creates a GeoPDF given a path to an MXD and an output file name:
A geoprocessing service that will take the current state of a web map and generate a GeoPDF:
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