If you have defined preferences for Peer-to-Peer import, you can quickly import .twz files E-mailed to you by your peers without interrupting the task at hand.
The Peer-to-Peer import process automatically places a .twz file that is available for import in the Import Directories: Inbox folder you specified as a preference. After you import the .twz file, the Peer-to-Peer import process moves it to the Import Directories: History folder you specified as a preference.
You can choose to be notified of .twz files available for import or you can access any file in your inbox by clicking the icon to the left of the mini-coordinate displays. The icon appears only when a map is open in the Adobe application.
For instructions on how to access the GeoMark Toolbar, see Accessing the GeoMark Toolbar.
In this document:
Importing a Peer-to-Peer .twz file
The filename that displays at the top of the Peer-to-peer Notification identifies the root name defined by the peer sending the .twz file and the date and time of creation in GMT.
In the Comment box, view any comments your peer typed about this .twz file. Any comments also display in the E-mail sent from your peers.
Click the Suppress Notifications box to prevent the import process from displaying the Peer-to-peer Notification on your monitor when a .twz file is available for import.
To close the Peer-to-peer Notification, click the Close button in the top right corner of the notification or wait 15 seconds until the notification dismisses.
Click View to open the Features dialog box.
The Features dialog box displays the feature layers to be imported including the total number of features in the .twz file and the number of features that fall inside or outside the map frame or neatline, based on the selection in the Exclude list box. The dialog box allows you to change the Coordinate System associated with the .twz file and to choose the map frame if there are multiple map frames into which the data should be imported.
Click OK to display the imported GeoMarks on your map frame, move the .twz file to the specified storage folder and close the Features dialog box.
If the GeoMarks contained in the TerraGo collaboration .twz file already exist on your map, you have the choice to either merge or copy the new GeoMarks. When you choose to merge the new GeoMarks, the import process retrieves the new data from the new GeoMarks and applies that data to the existing GeoMarks. When you choose to copy the new GeoMarks, the import process layers the new GeoMarks on top of the existing GeoMarks.
If you have defined preferences to suppress the Peer-to-peer Notification on your monitor, click the icon to open the Inbox window.
To resume the display of the Peer-to-peer Notification on your monitor when a .twz file is available for import, click the Suppress Notifications check box to remove the check mark.
To open the Features dialog box, click View.
To view a stored .twz file, click the History tab, select the .twz file to view and then click View.
To view notifications that became available while the Inbox window was open, click Refresh.
To delete a .twz file, select the file to be deleted and then click Delete. At the confirmation prompt, click OK.
To close the Inbox window, click Cancel.
If you are importing a .twz file that contains multiple forms of the same name, the same attribute fields must be used in the forms. The TerraGo Collaboration Manager creates the form schema dynamically based on the attribute fields in the form. If forms of the same name have different attribute fields, only the first form is successfully imported. For more information, refer to the TerraGo Collaboration Manager online Help.
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