The Add GeoStamp tool allows you to insert stamps that represent incidents, infrastructure, natural events, and operations on a map and then manage the exportable comments, links, attachments and attributes associated with those stamps.
3D GeoPDF files do not support GeoMarks.
For your Adobe Reader users to use the Add GeoStamp Tool on a 2D GeoPDF file, you must enable the file for comments and measuring/analysis.
To use the GeoMark Toolbar with a 2D geospatially-aware PDF file, you must convert it into a GeoPDF file by saving or GeoMark Enabling the file.
For instructions on how to access the GeoTool tool, see Accessing the GeoMark Toolbar.
In this document:
Adding a GeoStamp GeoMark
On the TerraGo GeoMark Toolbar, click Add GeoStamp
Navigate to the stamp you want to insert on the map.
Working with the Add GeoStamp tool changes the cursor.
Click the map where you want to insert the stamp.
Double-click the GeoStamp to open the GeoMark Editor. The Adobe <stamp-specific> note also appears.
The GeoMark Editor opens to display the General tab. This tab provides the name and subject of the GeoMark, the date and time the GeoMark was created, the date and time the GeoMark was last modified, and any comments associated with the GeoMark. You cannot edit the creation or modification dates.
GeoStamps reside in your C:\Program Files\Common Files\TerraGo\GeoStamps directory. If you have a vector image that you want to convert into a GeoStamp, you can use Adobe's Create Custom Stamp feature.
From Tools on the Adobe main menu, click Comment & Markup > Stamps > Create Custom Stamp. Refer to the Adobe online Help for instructions and then save your image in the directory noted above.
When you open your GeoPDF file, the Add GeoStamp drop-down menu includes the Load Additional Stamps option. If the number of custom stamps you have created is going to generate an extensive load time, the Load All Stamp Icons option also appears in the drop-down menu. This option allows you to load the stamp names separate from the stamp icons. You must reload the stamps for each session of Adobe Acrobat.
The Load Additional Stamps option appears in the menu only when you have GeoStamps in the directory noted above.
For information about saving images to the Adobe PDF format to create custom GeoStamps, refer to the Adobe online Help.
Adding comments
In the field provided, type a comment about the GeoStamp.
You can also type your comment in the <stamp-specific> note. Comments typed in the GeoMark Editor remain in sync with the comments in the <stamp-specific> note.
Viewing and editing attributes
Click the Attributes tab to view field information specific to the selected GeoMark such as the identification number of a telephone pole or the owner of a fire hydrant.
To edit values associated with the attribute fields, double-click the value, then in the editable text box, modify the value as needed. Some fields such as those associated with creation or modification times and identification information may be read-only.
Viewing and adding forms
Click the Forms tab to view any form that is attached to a GeoMark on your map. When you export data to your users in the field, they can input the collected data into the fields on your GeoForms, making data assimilation faster and more reliable.
To add a form to your GeoMark, click Attach Forms.
In the Attach Forms dialog box, check the forms you want to attach to the GeoMark.
Click OK to close the dialog box. The form you attached displays in .xml format on the Forms tab.
To remove an attached form from your GeoMark, click Detach Forms.
Note: You cannot attach a GeoForm that is in edit mode in the TerraGo Collaboration Manager.
Viewing and adding attachments
Click the Attachments tab to view links and attachments associated with the selected GeoMark. Links are pointers to external resources and attachments are copies of the attached data under the management of the TerraGo collaboration package.
Double-click an item to display its contents.
To add an attachment to your GeoMark, click Attach. In the selection window, navigate to the file you want to add as an attachment.
To add a link to your GeoMark, click Link. In the Add Link dialog box, type the location you want to add.
You can remove links and attachments by selecting the item from the list and then clicking Remove.
Viewing coordinate information
Click the Geometry tab to view the read-only coordinates for each vertex associated with the GeoMark.
When you select a vertex number in the table, the associated vertex is highlighted on the map. The values that display reflect the Geographic or Projected coordinate system that displays in the mini-coordinate display.
If the map uses an unsupported coordinate system, this tab displays a message indicating that the data is unavailable. In the table, points display the x,y coordinates. Polylines display a vertex number and the x,y coordinates for each vertex on the polyline.
Polygons display a vertex number and the x,y coordinates for each vertex on the polygon.
If you change the coordinate system associated with the map, the labels in the table change to reflect the updated coordinate system.
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