The GeoPDF GeoMark Toolbar allows you to work with GeoMarks on your map. Similar to an annotation in a PDF file, a placemark in Google Earth™, or a feature in GIS, a GeoMark is the TerraGo component that stores location, attribute, and hyperlink data in a GeoPDF file.
The GeoMark Editor allows you to view, edit and delete the comments, attributes and attachments associated with GeoMarks. At any time you can edit the comments, modify attribute read-write field values, and add and delete attachments and links associated with the selected GeoMark. You can then export the revised data to a TerraGo collaboration file or to .kml or shape files (.shm). The GeoMark Editor also allows you to obtain the exact coordinates of the GeoMark including coordinates for each vertex when there are multiple vertex features on the map.
In this document:
GeoMark components
A GeoMark can be geometry, symbology, and content. GeoMark geometries include points, polylines and polygons. GeoMark symbology can be standard PDF annotations or stamps. GeoMark content includes content associated with PDF annotations such as notes, but it can also be data such as links and attachments.
Using the GeoMark Toolbar you can add GeoMarks to your GeoPDF file with one of the many GeoMark tools or by importing them from one of various data formats. You can also create filters for viewing GeoMarks, manage peer-to-peer imports and exports, and launch the free GeoPDF Collaboration Manager if it is installed on your machine.
Using GeoMarks with PDF files
TerraGo software such as the GeoPDF® Toolbar collects GeoMarks and displays them in a GeoPDF file. If you want users to be able to GeoMark a 2D GeoPDF file using Adobe Reader, you must enable the file for comments and measuring/analysis.
To use the GeoMark Toolbar with a 2D geospatially-aware PDF file you must convert it into a GeoPDF file by saving or GeoMark Enabling the file.
3D GeoPDF files do not support GeoMarks.
Accessing the GeoMark Toolbar
If you are running Adobe Acrobat version X.x or XI, you can display the GeoMark Toolbar three different ways:
The Tools pane
From the Tools pane, click GeoMark.
The main menu
From TerraGo on the main menu, click GeoMark Toolbar and then the required tool.
Quick tools
From View on the main menu, click Show/Hide, then Toolbar Items > Quick Tools.
In the Customize Quick Tools dialog box, from the Choose Quick Tools to Add pane, expand the Third-Party Plug-Ins folder and then click GeoMark.
Click the right mover button to move the toolbar items to the Quick Tools to Show pane.
To display the shortcut menu, right-click the Adobe Toolbar and then click Quick Tools to open the Customize Quick Tools dialog box.
GeoMark Toolbar tools

Add GeoNote
The Add GeoNote tool allows you to insert a point on a map and then manage the exportable comments, links, attachments and attributes associated with that point.
Add GeoRectangle
The Add GeoRectangle tool allows you to insert a rectangle on a map and then manage the exportable comments, links, attachments and attributes associated with that rectangle.
Add GeoLine
The Add GeoLine tool allows you to insert a line on a map and then manage the exportable comments, links, attachments and attributes associated with that line.
Add GeoPolyline
The Add GeoPolyline tool allows you to insert a polyline on a map and then manage the exportable comments, links, attachments and attributes associated with that polyline.
Add GeoPolygon
The Add GeoPolygon tool allows you to insert a polygon on a map and then manage the exportable comments, links, attachments and attributes associated with that polygon.
Add GeoStamp
The Add GeoStamp tool allows you to insert stamps that represent incidents, infrastructure, natural events, and operations on a map and then manage the exportable comments, links, attachments and attributes associated with those stamps.
Collaboration tools

GeoMarks View Filter
The GeoMarks View Filter tool allows you to specify a filter based on the user who created the GeoMark as well as the date and time the GeoMark was created or modified. This is especially useful if you collaborate with other users and receive multiple .twx and .twz files, as imported GeoMarks may stack on top of each other obscuring the view.
Import as GeoMarks
The Import as GeoMarks tool allows you to import GeoMarks from TerraGo collaboration files (.twz and .twx) and from standard file formats such as .gpx, .kml, and shape files (.shp). The TerraGo collaboration file preserves the information in the GeoMark Editor, through which you can manage the data including links and attachments.
Delete GeoMarks
The Delete GeoMarks tool allows you to remove all GeoMarks and/or annotations from your file.
Export GeoMarks
The Export GeoMarks tool allows you to export GeoMarks and annotations to a TerraGo collaboration file (.twz) and to standard file formats such as .kml and shape files (.shm). You can then import the GeoMarks into a GIS, Google Earth, TerraGo Mobile, GeoPDF Toolbar, GeoPDF Composer and GeoPDF Publisher® for ArcGIS.
Peer-to-Peer Collaboration
The Peer-to-Peer Collaboration tool allows you to quickly export GeoMarks based on the preferences you specified in the P2P Export pane in the TerraGo Preferences dialog box.
The Peer-to-Peer Collaboration tool allows you to specify:
preferences such as the preferred annotation type and coordinate system in your exported files
that the data to be exported always resides in the largest map frame or that you prefer to be prompted to provide the map frame in which the data resides
whether your exported .twz file should include the Google Earth .kml file and whether the exported .twz file should include the map
whether you prefer to be prompted to include additional recipients or comments before exporting your .twz files.
TerraGo Collaboration Manager
Contact TerraGo support to obtain a copy of the TerraGo Collaboration Manager installer. If the TerraGo Collaboration Manager is installed on your machine, the TerraGo Collaboration Manager tool allows you to manage both your GeoForms and collaboration data.
The TerraGo Collaboration Manager allows you to:
create and modify custom GeoForms to be attached to GeoMarks
import forms created by other form creators for inclusion in your forms list and export your forms as .twz files to other form creators for inclusion in their forms lists
update an existing or create a new TerraGo Collaboration .twz file and prepare GeoPDF files for TerraGo Mobile
manage and merge TerraGo Collaboration .twz files
For more information, refer to the help document included with the TerraGo Collaboration Manager installer.
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