You can configure GeoPDF Composer Preferences at any time from the TerraGo Preferences box.
Preference options:
Accessing Composer preferences
From Edit on the main menu, click Preferences, then TerraGo.
Composer preferencees

MapBook Creation
To prevent the application from creating labels when you create a TerraGo MapBook, check the Suppress Label Generation box.
GeoRegistration Format
In the GeoRegistration Format Compatible With list box, choose the version of GeoPDF Toolbar that GeoRegistered PDF files must be compatible with when when you assemble a map or create a TerraGo MapBook. You can override this default setting during map assembly or MapBook creation.
GeoPDF Toolbar 3+ (OGC) requires that the GeoRegistered PDF files to be assembled in a map or a MapBook be encoded using the TerraGo GeoRegistration encoding method that was published as an OGC best practice in 2008. The OGC best practice is the most widely distributed GeoRegistration encoding in terms of existing PDF libraries and workflows because GeoPDF was the only geospatial PDF available preceding the release of Acrobat 9.
GeoPDF Toolbar 5+ (OGC Preferred) prefers that the GeoRegistered PDF files to be assembled in a map or a MapBook be encoded using the TerraGo GeoRegistration encoding method, but allows GeoRegistered PDF files encoded using the ISO 32000 method.
GeoPDF Toolbar 5+ (ISO Only) requires that the maps to be assembled be encoded using the ISO 32000 GeoRegistration encoding method.
Note: Adobe implemented a different PDF GeoRegistration encoding when it released Acrobat 9 and submitted that method to ISO as a proposed extension to ISO 32000. Both OGC and ISO GeoRegistration methods encode the same information; however, more coordinate systems are supported using Adobe's GeoRegistration encoding. TerraGo software is capable of reading and writing both encoding methods.
3D GeoPDF file creation preferences
To access the 3D GeoPDF preferences, expand the menu options below 3D GeoPDF in the Preferences list.

Choose whether you want the default to be Surface Model GeoPDF or 3D Point Cloud GeoPDF.
Use the Level of Detail slider to indicate the default percentage of detail for both the DEM file and the file to be draped over the 3D model.
Note: The level of detail selected has a significant effect on the time it takes to process the data. When defining this setting, try very low values, such as 5%, as a test run. Once you are ready to process the final file, increase the value to the desired level of detail for your PDF performance and 3D PDF file size.

Use the Band Combination pane to set the default band selection for 3-band raster images, or for 4 or more bands.
The Apply Histogram Stretch option is disabled by default, and the value can be changed for individual files during the 3D GeoPDF creation process. If you plan on processing several images with the same settings, you can check Apply Histogram Stretch and enter the value that you would like to apply as a default.
In the GeoPDF as Texture box, enter the default DPI for GeoPDFs that are draped over the elevation during the 3D GeoPDF creation process. Note: if the draped DPI has a lower DPI than the value you select as a default, the GeoPDF as Texture setting will not add additional detail.

Use the Downsample Strategy menu to select your preferred downsample algorithm. Downsample algorithm options are: None, Faster processing, Balance speed and processing, and Better quality.
Select Denoise if you want to have a denoising algorithm remove noise from the image for better compression. This option can be used in conjunction with downsampling, but downsampling has a noise reducing effect which cancels much of the benefit of denoising.
Use the Level of Detail slider to indicate the default percentage of detail for both the DEM file and the file to be draped over the 3D model.
Note: The level of detail selected has a significant effect on the time it takes to process the data. When defining this setting, try very low values, such as 5%, as a test run. Once you are ready to process the final file, increase the value to the desired level of detail for your PDF performance and 3D PDF file size.

Choose one of the following Subset Options:
Do not clip image (default) – This option does not clip the image.
Clip image and DEM to overlap – This option clips the image to DEM and clips the DEM to the image. For example, where there are two partially overlapping rectangles, the clipped area is the overlap between them.
Clip image based on coordinates – This option allows you to specify the upper left X, upper left Y, lower right X and lower right Y extent of the model in the Advanced settings dialog box, accessed from the TerraGo 3D GeoPDF File Creator dialog box.
In the 3D model title text box, type the default title to be displayed above the 3D model in the output 3D GeoPDF file.
Saving your preferences
Once you have specified all of your desired preferences, click OK.
Restore default preferences
To return all of the preferences to their original installation defaults, click Restore Defaults.
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