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Coordinate Systems Compatible with GeoPDF Toolbar 5 and Later



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    Will Long


    I can’t get either the older “Terrago Toolbar” or the current GEOpdf version to display MGRS coordinates anymore. I’ve gone through several uninstall and reinstall operations with both the Terrago software and Acrobat Reader DC (Adobe keeps defaulting to the DC variant).

    I have a Windows 10 computer and Adobe installed the 64 bit version by default; but I also tried the 32 bit today with same results.

    Have MGRS coordinates been removed as an option? I don’t see it listed among either the standard or custom list as illustrated in the Terrago instructional video.

    Or, is Acrobat DC the problem?  (More than a dozen years ago, I remember I had to keep an older version of Reader installed and not allow updates from Adobe.)



    Will Long

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