With the Publisher for Raster user interface, you can:
generate one or more GeoRegistered PDF files from a single georeferenced or orthorectified image file formas
set file generation parameters specific to the ADRG, CADRG, CIB, IMG, JP2, MrSID, NITF, and TIFF file formats, and you can set general parameters that apply to all input file formats
preview the output image before you generate the GeoPDF file as well as select an area of interest on the original source image file and then generate a GeoPDF file that includes only that selected area
specify file generation parameters such as compression type and quality, PDF map scale or DPI, whether the image style should be grayscale or RGB, and whether to apply a histogram stretch to improve color balancing on visible spectrum data
specify the tile width and height in pixels and whether the source image file has to be GeoRegistered
define text to be appended to the output file name
override the coordinate system in the source image file
specify whether the output file should be optimized for TerraGo Mobile.
Publisher for Raster uses the GDAL 1.8.0 translator library released by the Open Source Geospatial Foundation for raster geospatial data formats. Refer to GDAL's specifications for supported versions and limitations at http://www.gdal.org/.
In this section:
Publisher for Raster UI menus
The File menu allows you to define a new project, load the file generation parameters that are saved in a specific .XML configuration file, save selected file generation parameters to an .XML configuration file for use with batch processing, save the source image file with its file generation parameters as a project, and quit the application.
The Actions menu allows you to preview the output file, create a subset of the original source image, generate the GeoPDF file, define file generation preferences, and view the log file.
The Help menu provides access to the online Help system and the About dialog box.
Publisher for Raster UI toolbar
The New tool clears the fields on the main window so that you can define a new project.
The Open tool allows you to load the file generation parameters that are saved in a specific .XML configuration file.
The Preview tool displays the output file in the Image Preview pane.
The Subset tool allows you to select an area of interest on the original source image file and then generate a GeoPDF file that includes only that selected area.
Generate GeoPDF
The Generate GeoPDF tool generates a GeoPDF file from the source image file based on the selected file generation parameters.
The Preferences tool allows you to set default file generation parameters specific to the source image file format as well as general parameters that apply to all source image file formats.
The Help tool allows you to access the online Help system.
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